Ocjena okružja uređenja zemljišta (Hrvatska)


The need for a systematic assessment of land governance arises from three factors. First, with stagnant or low productivity of land in many areas, soaring global demand for land as a source of food, fuel and environmental amenities, a need for structural transformation that transfers labor out of agriculture and land for urban growth, institutional arrangements governing land have emerged as a key factor for sustainable growth and poverty reduction. Second, as a result of institutional fragmentation, where responsibility for land is spread over a large number of government institutions which are often poorly coordinated, there can be a wide gap between legal provisions and their actual implementation. Third, the technical complexity and context specificity of land issues, and the fact that change may be resisted by powerful stakeholders benefiting from the status quo, implies that progress will depend on the ability to forge a consensus among experts in a participatory and deliberative process, based on a comprehensive analysis.

Schematic Description of the LGAF Implementation Process

The land governance assessment framework (LGAF) allows to identify how arrangements in these countries compare to global good practice in key areas of good governance identified as (i) how property rights to land (at group or individual level) are defined, can be exchanged, and transformed; (ii) how public oversight over land use, management, and taxation is exercised; (iii) how the extent of land owned by the state is defined, how the state exercises it, and how state land it is acquired or disposed of; (iv) the management of land information and ways in which it can be accessed; (v) avenues to resolve and manage disputes and hold officials to account; and (vi) procedures to deal with land-related investment.

The LGAF is designed to help countries to do so through a 6-9 month participatory but technical assessment involving all relevant stakeholder groups to assess and rank countries’ land governance status against global good practice using a common framework. It is a diagnostic instrument to assess the status of land governance at the country or sub-national level using a highly participatory and country-driven process that draws systematically on local expertise and existing evidence rather than on outsiders. The ranking is based on a comprehensive review of available conceptual and empirical material regarding experience in land governance by local experts.

Below are links to the original documents and translations of some documents.

 Land Governance Assessment Framework

 Implementation Manual