Dražen Tutić was born on June 29th, 1973. He completed his primary school in Kloštar Ivanić and high school for electronics in Zagreb. In year 1993 he enrolled at the Faculty of Geodesy University of Zagreb, and graduated in year 1998. In 2009 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the same University titled “Stereographic and Other Conformal Map Projections for Croatia”.

He started working at the Faculty of Geodesy in year 1999 in the Institute of Cartography and Photogrammetry. He performed exercises and lectures in following courses: Map Projections, Multimedia Cartography, Programming, Engineering Graphics, Introduction to Geoinformatics, Digital Cartography and Cartographic Generalisation.

Until now he has published 15 scientific and more than 80 technical papers as an author or co-author in foreign and domestic journals and conference proceedings. He has good English skills both verbal and written. He is a vice-president of Croatian Cartographic Society, member of the Croatian Geodetic Society, Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics, International Society for Geometry and Graphics and member of Commision on Map Projections of International Cartographic Association. He is editor-in-chief of journal Cartography and Geoinformation.

Work experience:

3/2010 – present: Assistant Professor at Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, working field of teaching, scientific research and professional work cartography and geoinformatics;

10/2011 – present: Vice-dean for Students and Teaching: organisation and development of teaching on bechelor and master studies

9/2009 – 3/2010: Higher Assistant at Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb: teaching, scientific research and professional work in fields of cartography and geoinformatics

3/2001 – 9/2009: Assistant at Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb: teaching, scientific research and professional work in fields of cartography and geoinformatics

5/1999 – 5/2000: Cartographer at Faculty of Gedesy, University of Zagreb: collaborator on professional projects, help in teaching


3/2006 – 8/2009: Doctor of Science (PhD), Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, thesis: ”Stereographic and Other Conformal Map Projections for Croatia”

9/2001 – 2/2005: Master of Science (MSc), Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, thesis: ”Improvement of Software for DeSkan Express 5”

9/1993 – 9/1998: Dipl. ing. (Graduated engineer), Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb.

Research and other projects:

Collaborator on scientific projects of Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Croatia: Croatian Cartographers – Scientific Basis, Cartography and New Technologies, Cartography of Adriatic Region

Collaborator on projects of Croatian State Geodetic Administration: New Official Map Projections of the Republic of Croatia, Croatian Geodetic Glossary

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