Rješavanje sporova
U pravilu postoje različiti mehanizmi za rješavanje sporova, a mogli bi ih razdvojiti na formalne i neformalne. Formalni mehanizmi rješavanja sporova uključuju rješavanje sporova u okviru pravosudnog sustava, rješavanje spora u upravnom postupku te druge alternativne mehanizme rješavanja sporova u okviru državnog aparata. Neformalni sustavi u pravilu podrazumijevaju rješavanje sporova uz pomoć vođa zajednica, seoskih starješina, mjesnih vijeća i odbora. Oni mogu, ali ne moraju biti službeno priznati od strane države ili u skladu sa zakonom. Djelovanje formalnih i neformalnih sustava može se preklapati.
engl. Dispute resolution - There are typically a range of dispute resolution mechanisms available in a country. These could be grouped into two broad classes: formal dispute resolution mechanisms; and informal dispute resolution mechanisms. The formal dispute resolution mechanisms include the formal court system as well as a range of other options that may include administrative dispute resolution and state administered or sanctioned alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms. The informal systems typically involve community leaders, village elders, village assemblies or committees in resolving disputes. They may or may not have formal recognition by the state or under the law.